In addition to our own products, we also work with customers’ own products and manufacture refrigeration equipment based on their requirements.

Frigadon acts as a subcontractor to the industry. Customers of our OEM products have stringent requirements regarding customisation, reliability and quality checks. The consultation phase prior to manufacture is extremely important; it is during this process that we recast customer requirements as refrigeration technology. We can construct a special product from scratch or redesign and customise mass-produced products. The aim of the customer might be to e.g. keep a manufacturing process below a constant temperature using their own OEM refrigeration product.


Our service and support department provides technical advice and helps with operational optimisation.

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Frigadon manufactures a wide range of refrigeration equipment for use in industrial, property and retail applications, based primarily on hydrocarbon and CO2 technology.

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At Frigadon, we love natural refrigerants and work mainly with hydrocarbons and CO2 as primary refrigerants.

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